
2008-01-23 8:01 pm
請各同事依時出席當日之Annual Dinner


回答 (8)

2008-01-24 12:42 am
✔ 最佳答案
1.Dear all staff,
Be ensured that come to the annual dinner on time.

2.To All Staff,
Please attend the Annual Dinner on [DATE] on time.
Company XXX

3.Dear employees,
Please be reminded that the annual dinner is held on (date and time).
Please be punctual.
(Your signature)
(your name)

4.Dear Staff
You are cordially invited to our staff annual dinner on [date] at {time} at [venue]. The dinner will start on time and you are all requested to arrive before {time}.

5.ours sincerely
Please every colleague appeared to Annual Dinner in that day,don't be late
2008-01-24 1:08 am
Dear all,

Annual dinner will be started sharply on "DATE" at "TIME", please be punctual !
2008-01-24 1:06 am
To all staffs, please attend the (Date) Annual Dinner on time.
參考: meself
2008-01-23 9:53 pm
Please every colleague appeared to Annual Dinner in that day,don't be late.
參考: think
2008-01-23 9:10 pm
Dear Staff

You are cordially invited to our staff annual dinner on [date] at {time} at [venue]. The dinner will start on time and you are all requested to arrive before {time}.

Yours sincerely
2008-01-23 9:02 pm
Dear employees,
Please be reminded that the annual dinner is held on (date and time).
Please be punctual.
(Your signature)
(your name)
2008-01-23 8:40 pm
To All Staff,
Please attend the Annual Dinner on [DATE] on time.
Company XXX
2008-01-23 8:13 pm
Dear all staff,
Be ensured that come to the annual dinner on time.

收錄日期: 2021-04-14 19:52:45
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