"說一不二" 的英文翻譯

2008-01-23 10:01 am
請提供成語"說一不二"的英文翻譯, 如有相近者, 或相關有機會尋到正確解答的網頁亦可, 快!

回答 (9)

2008-01-23 2:51 pm
✔ 最佳答案

1) I mean what I said.

2) I never changed my words.

3) My word is stronger than oak.

4) I say what I mean only.

hope that helps.
參考: myself
2008-01-24 3:48 am
Keeps promises
參考: me
2008-01-23 5:51 pm
Keeps promises

you can also go in this internet to find different lanuage translation:
2008-01-23 4:55 pm
I mean it
2008-01-23 10:44 am
i won't tell you twice.
i wont regret
2008-01-23 10:22 am
telling one never two .............. hahahahahhahaahhahahahaha
2008-01-23 10:12 am
yes means yes

2008-01-23 02:15:09 補充:
"just once" is wrong"He/she never regret what he/she said before." is too long-winded
參考: trust me
2008-01-23 10:08 am
He/she never regret what he/she said before.

2008-01-23 02:11:06 補充:
是 regrets... 因為第三身單數... 譯作 "他/她永不對之前所說的話後悔"

2008-01-23 02:34:08 補充:
樓下提及的 "Yes means yes". 我唸, 你係話 "係就係", 對嗎?小弟唔太多認同, 依句好似 Chinguish (Chinese English) 黎架? 只有香港人先明係點解(不過, 如果依句真係英文, 小弟只能在此 say sorry)其實, 我只係加埋 subject, 成為一句完整句子. 如果你話長氣, 無問題, 甘我改成 "Never regret what said before" 五個字, 可以吧
參考: 自己
2008-01-23 10:08 am
just once

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