我想知道關於ozone layer破洞的反應

2008-01-23 7:40 am
我想知道cfc跟紫外線,ozone layer等等關於ozone layer破洞的反應(+ chemical formular).. thx 20分

回答 (2)

2008-01-23 5:54 pm
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A detailed descrption of the topic can be found in the reference site. Here is some extracts:
"The Earth's ozone layer protects all life from the sun's harmful radiation, but human activities have damaged this shield. Less protection from ultraviolet light will, over time, lead to higher skin cancer and cataract rates and crop damage. "

"The ozone depletion process begins when CFCs and other ozone-depleting substances (ODS) are emitted into the atmosphere(1). Winds efficiently mix the troposphere and evenly distribute the gases. CFCs are extremely stable, and they do not dissolve in rain. After a period of several years, ODS molecules reach the stratosphere, about 10 kilometers above the Earth's surface (2).

Strong UV light breaks apart the ODS molecule. CFCs, HCFCs, carbon tetrachloride, methyl chloroform, and other gases release chlorine atoms, and halons and methyl bromide release bromine atoms (3). It is these atoms that actually destroy ozone, not the intact ODS molecule. It is estimated that one chlorine atom can destroy over 100,000 ozone molecules before it is removed from the stratosphere (4).

Ozone is constantly produced and destroyed in a natural cycle, as shown in the above picture, courtesy of NASA GSFC. However, the overall amount of ozone is essentially stable. This balance can be thought of as a stream's depth at a particular location. Although individual water molecules are moving past the observer, the total depeth remains constant. Similarly, while ozone production and destruction are balanced, ozone levels remain stable. This was the situation until the past several decades.

Large increases in stratospheric chlorine and bromine, however, have upset that balance. In effect, they have added a siphon downstream, removing ozone faster than natural ozone creation reactions can keep up. Therefore, ozone levels fall.

Since ozone filters out harmful UVB radiation, less ozone means higher UVB levels at the surface. The more the depletion, the larger the increase in incoming UVB. UVB has been linked to skin cancer, cataracts, damage to materials like plastics, and harm to certain crops and marine organisms. Although some UVB reaches the surface even without ozone depletion, its harmful effects will increase as a result of this problem."

The basic set of reactions that define the catalytic cycle involving chlorine and odd-oxygen appear below:

Cl + O3 ==> ClO + O2

ClO + O ==> Cl + O2


net result: O3 + O ===> 2O2
2008-01-30 4:30 pm



  人类所排放的CFCs主要在北半球,其中欧洲、俄罗斯、日本和北美洲约占总排放量的90%。 这种不溶于水和不活泼的CFCs,在头1~2年内在整个大气层下部并与大气混合。这种含有CF Cs的大气从底部向上升腾,一直到达赤道附近的平流层。然后分别流向两极,这样经过整个平流层的空气几乎都含有相同浓度的CFCs,然而由于地球表面的巨大差异,两极地区的气象状况是完全不同的。南极是一个非常广阔的 陆地板块(南极洲),周围又完全被海洋所包围,这种自然条件下产生了非常低的平流层温度 。在南极黑暗酷冷的冬季(6~9月),下沉的空气在南极洲的山地受阻,停止环流而就地旋转 ,吸入周围的冷空气,形成“极地风暴旋涡”。 这股“旋涡”上升到20km高空的臭氧层,由于这里温度非常低,形成了滞留的“冰云”。“ 冰云”中的冰晶微粒把空气中带来的CFCs和哈龙吸收在其表面,并不断积聚其中。当南极的春季来临(9月下旬),阳光照向“冰云”时,冰晶溶化,释放出吸附的CFCs和哈龙。它们受到紫外线UV-C照射,分解出Cl·和Br·并与臭氧反应生成CIO·和BrO·消耗臭氧。由于冰晶的吸附作用,积累的CFCs和哈龙在一段时间内集中分解出Cl泛虰r吩偌由闲纬杀Щ岱⑸ 各种各样的化学变化,促成了每年9~11月臭氧快速耗减,在特定高度臭氧几乎完全消失, 导致臭氧空洞形成。


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