物理問題, 多多指教

2008-01-23 7:22 am
A cork stands upright on the rim of a 0.2m diameter gramophone record which rotates at a period of 1.82s.A horizontal , parallel beam of light casts a shadow of the cork on a vertical screen, so that the shadow moves back and forth.
Determine the displacement of the shadow from the central position 0.25s after it passess the center.

但係點解我用x=A cos wt 計唔到, 而係一定要用x=A sin wt先計到ge?
就算我用x=0.1 cos (wt+π/2), 計咗出嚟係-7.6cm, 但係個答案係正數......-_-
究竟幾時用x=A sin wt , 幾時用x=A cos wt

回答 (2)

2008-01-31 8:03 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. 他的答案中"the initial position is at the end of the motion"是錯的。題目中的"0.25s after it passess the center"表明了initial position是由那影子經過中心點那刻計起,所以initial position是THE CENTER,即equilibrium position。
2. 那個cork是否UPRIGHT與使用那一條算式完全無關。

2008-01-31 01:03:11 補充:
上面的"原本是雙引號,不過顯示出來時變了這樣。3. 上面那位提到if the initial position of the object is at the center of the motion, then use x=A cos wt和if the initial position of the object is at the end of the motion, then use x=A sin wt,看似有理......

2008-01-31 01:10:55 補充:
但如果initial position不是正正在center of motion (or equilibrium position)或end of motion,而是在中間某處,是否無得計?其實用sin或cos是視乎那角度是由x-axis還是由y-axis計起。最正確的方法是用x=A cos(wt + P),當中的P是什麼取決於t=0時的位置,如t=0時在equilibrium position,P是π/2或3π/2,因為有兩個方向;如t=0時在盡頭,P是π或0,因為有兩個方向。在確定P後,只要代入不同時間t來找出最終位置和開始位置相減便是答案。

2008-01-31 01:23:46 補充:
至於你的答案:因為t=0時那影子在中央,所以P等於π/2或3π/2,視乎影子正向左或右走,但題目無講,亦無講那個方向是正數。假設我現在用P=π/2,便是你的x=0.1 cos (wt+π/2)。當t=0.25,x=-7.6。當t=0,x=0。答案= -7.6 - 0 = -7.6假設我現在用P=3π/2,x=0.1 cos (wt+3π/2)。當t=0.25,x=7.6。當t=0,x=0。答案= 7.6 - 0 = 7.6

2008-02-03 01:48:51 補充:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simple_harmonic_motion請看這link內,overview內幅圖對落那段,內容同我上次講差唔多,只係佢用2πf代替w。你條題目中t=0時那影子在中央,所以變咗x=0.1 cos (wt+π/2)或x=0.1 cos (wt+3π/2)。如果條題目變咗t=0時那影子在盡頭,條式就會變成x=0.1 cos(wt+0)=0.1 coswt,條式係跟t=0時那影的位置由最基本那條式變出嚟,而唔係話有兩條式都計到答案,鍾意用邊條都得。

2008-02-03 01:49:33 補充:
另外點解會有x=A sin wt ?因為cos(π/2 B)= - sinB 及 cos(3π/2 B)=sinB,所以都係由基本那條式變出來,記嚟都無謂,反正唔係次次既問題都係t=0時x=A 或 0。如果t=0時x=A/2 或 A/3,咁你點計?

2008-02-03 02:10:13 補充:
我懷疑你唔明條題目問什麼,其實係咁:有一隻直徑為0.2米的黑膠唱片在唱盤上以每1.82秒一圈的速度旋轉,在其邊沿上垂直擺放了一個水松塞。在旁用一些水平而且平均的光線照射,影子投射在一幅垂直的牆壁上並左右移動(題目本身寫得唔清楚)。求 由影子通過中心點起計的0.25秒之位移。如果水松塞不是垂直擺放,而是橫放的話,會有乜改變?除影子變成打橫外,一切不變。(本來是個1字左右移動,現在變了個一字左右移動)
2008-01-23 7:57 am
it is a SHM problem
if the initial position of the object is at the center of the motion, then use x=A cos wt
if the initial position of the object is at the end of the motion, then use x=A sin wt

obviously, in this question, the initial position is at the end of the motion, as the cork stands UPRIGHT on the rim, so we should use x=A sin wt

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