
2008-01-23 6:53 am
我係一間日本公司度做receptionist ,有日本人 , 老細出左trip,我要將佢條線飛返落自條線度~

但係當佢返泥,我就要去佢個位禁制,比返條電話線佢. 請問: 我可唔可以飛返條電話線比你,點講\\?

我要朝早拿news paper比佢 ,放底果時講咩好(盡量簡單),無理由放底就咁走左架



回答 (3)

2008-01-26 1:11 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I have forwarded your line to my phone while you were away, would you like to have it back?

(最簡單) Good morning 或 Good morning, how are you today?
老板沒什麼必要也不會同你談心, 所以禮貌上問候一下最多回應下fine, thanks之類.

Have a good day.
Hold on please, I'll transfer your line to xx
Please take a seat, I'll make a call to let xx know you are here.
He/she is away on holiday/business trip, would you like to leave a message?
I'm sorry sir/madam, you would need to call xx to make an appointment in advance.
I'm sorry, which number did you use? ..You've got the wrong number, please try again.
2008-01-23 7:21 pm
I have to back forward telephone-line direct to you. now?

Good morning, Peter*, your paper
for example *name of the boss*

What do you want to have (or drink)?
[if Boss said 'no Thank you' ]
then you should say:-

Shout to me, anytime
2008-01-23 8:29 am
請問: 我可唔可以飛返條電話線比你,點講\?

ANS:Your phone/line is diverted to me when you've on trip, can I cancel now?
朝早拿news paper比佢 ,放底果時講:
ANS: (1) morning
(2) do you want something to drink?
(3) have a good day
參考: ME

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