
2008-01-23 6:52 am

回答 (2)

2008-01-25 11:57 pm
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Emma是英國女作家珍奧斯汀(Jane Austen)的小說,內容講述女主角Emma Woodhouse的故事,(勉強可說是愛情故事。)她在她的家庭教師結婚後,非常熱衷於為她身邊的男女進行「配對」,其中她等別熱衷於為她的好友Harriet Smith物色理想對象,但經過幾次失敗和挫折後,她最終明白誰人才是最適合Harriet Smith的丈夫人選,而她自己亦找到了自己的終身伴侶:她姊夫的弟弟Mr. Knightley。

"Emma" is a novel of the English writress Jane Austen. It told the story of Emma Woodhouse. After her governess got married, she was interested in making matches among the people around her. She especially busied herself with find a suitable husband for her friend Harriet Simith. However, after several wrong attempts and misunderstandings, she at last discover the best match for Harriet, and she herself find her true love and lifelong partner, her brother in law, Mr. Knightley.

Emma Woodhouse
Harriet Smith, (Emma's friend)
Mr. Knightley (Emma's brother in law)
Mr. Elton (a social climbing parson)
Frank Churchill and Jane Fairfax (a pair of lovers)
Miss Taylor (Emma's governess, who became Mrs. Weston)

基本上故事中沒有甚麼壞人(珍奧斯汀的小說通常沒有真正的衰人),當中只有Mr. Elton 給人的印象可能會較差一點:Emma原本希望Harriet能和他結婚,但他看不起Harriet低下的出身,卻想跟Emma結婚,被Emma拒絕後,不久就和另一個女人結了婚。(不過要留意這在當時的英國社會中是無可厚非的,反而Emma想將Mr. Elton和Harriet這兩個出身不相稱的人配合是不被大眾認同的。)
2009-07-01 1:54 am
the message

what do you think the author wants to tell you?
what is the message behind the story?
what have oyu learnt from the story?
do you like the story?
do you think the story is suitable for turning into a film?
do you think your friend will like the story , why?

2009-06-30 18:36:36 補充:
我蠻喜歡the story, because 我可以認識到什麼是愛,要珍惜身邊的人及珍惜朋友的友誼.

i think my friend will not like the story , because the story 不適合他們,他們只喜歡刺激性的story for exemple ,, superbird.

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