
2008-01-23 5:35 am
一部music player的voltage係3.6v , capacity係 700mAh

咩係capacity, 點轉番做current黎計power?

2007 physics mc(22)

回答 (2)

2008-01-23 7:10 am
✔ 最佳答案
700mAh means if you draw the current at 700mA, then the battery will fully discharge after one hour.

Capacity is the maximum energy which can store inside the battery.

As you mentioned, the energy stored inside the music player =
3.6 V x 0.7A x 1hr = 2.52 Wh
2008-01-23 5:45 am
Ah / Amp Hours
Represents the amount of energy a battery can hold. This measurement helps determine how long the battery will power the equipment it is used in. The more 'Amp Hours' the longer the run time.
You can also think of Amp Hours as gallons of gas.

Milliamp Hours (mAh)
Refers to battery capacity. 1/1000th of an amp.
Example 1.8Ah = 1800Mah

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