eBay's outstanding achivement

2008-01-23 3:44 am
Pls help me...i'm searching for eBay's outstanding achivement and what reward that eBay achieve before.i search many website but still cant got any information..好惨啊。。。one question is how eBay apply e-auction to run the business?can all of u tell me about eBay background and the objective of eBay use e-auction to run their business? HELP..urgent..

回答 (1)

2008-01-26 3:18 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Check the link below for a history of ebay

[From ebay's Website]
About eBay

Founded in 1995, eBay Inc. connects hundreds of millions of people around the world every day, empowering them to explore new opportunities and innovate together. eBay Inc. does this by providing the Internet platforms of choice for global commerce, payments and communications. Since its inception, eBay Inc. has expanded to include some of the strongest brands in the world, including eBay, PayPal, Skype, Shopping.com, and others. eBay Inc. is headquartered in San Jose, California.

Company Narrative

Despite differences in language, culture and economic status, people around the world are united in their fundamental need to connect, discover and interact.

People seek fulfillment of these fundamental needs in their day-to-day activities. As we explore, learn, shop, share and talk with each other, we are also aspiring toward a more emotionally satisfying experience as human beings.

eBay's original vision was to create the world's first global economic democracy. We saw a "people's market" in which anyone in the world could sell or buy just about anything for a fair price. And today on the eBay marketplace, trust, honesty and efficiency are rewarded more than size or status.

But over the past 10 years, the Internet has expanded, and so has humankind's relationship with it. More and more of our day-to-day activities are conducted online. The Internet continually enhances our ability to connect with the world around us.

And eBay Inc. now plays an even larger role in our lives, as well. It's no longer just about fairness. It's about fostering that human connection through "Social Commerce," which we define as "a powerful combination of commerce, communication and community that enhances traditional buying and selling."

eBay Inc. will make Social Commerce a global reality. We will continue to expand economic opportunity by fostering an emotionally satisfying experience for people around the world to explore, learn, shop, share and talk with each other. We will do this by managing and growing some of the strongest brands in the world, including eBay, PayPal, Skype, Shopping.com, and others.

We will continue to innovate and integrate the technologies and policies that make these day-to-day activities even more trusted, fair and efficient than they are today.

Hundreds of millions of people who use eBay today are already experiencing this new way to connect. eBay Inc. will make it so easy and rewarding to engage in Social Commerce that we believe hundreds of millions of more will participate. And this next generation will bring with them new products, ideas and opportunities for everyone.

Ultimately, eBay Inc. will raise the expectations—and aspirations—of people around the world as they seek to connect, discover and interact with each other

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