universal indicator & pH paper

2008-01-23 3:21 am
我想問呢universal indicator等唔等於pH paper??

回答 (2)

2008-01-23 4:04 am
✔ 最佳答案
They are not the same. As it stated, pH paper is a paper. pH papers are made of paper impregnated with pH indicators or mixtures of indicators. Universal Indicator is a pH indicator that transitions through numbers 3-12 (on the pH chart) to indicate the acidity and alkaline of solutions. Although there are a number of commercially available universal pH indicators, most are a variation of a formula patented by Yamada in 1923.
2008-01-23 1:16 pm
2 樣野當然唔同la

universal indicator 係一種液體
但當佢在acid condition下會變成 黃色/ 橙色
在alkali condition下會變成 藍色/ 紫色

而pH paper係一張 paper
當在acid condition 的時候會變紅色
alkali condition會變藍色
其實係每個唔同gea pH value 佢都會變成唔同gea 顏色
買pH paper 的時候會有一張野寫明咩顏色係咩pH
老師會有, 上網都可以找到
參考: me

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