
2008-01-23 3:14 am
1.my favourite sport(要排球)
2.my favourite shopping centre(要西九龍中心)
3.my favourite movie(要死亡筆記....如果唔得.其他都冇所謂)
4.my role model [超重要!!!!] (邊個都得,個名簡單就得,例:呀媽)


回答 (7)

2008-01-23 4:37 am
Good morning / good afternoon everybody,

Let me tell you about my favourite.

I love all kind of sport, like football (足球), basketball (籃球), table tennis (乒乓球) but my favourite sport is volleyball. Volleyball make me fit and healthy
As for my favourite shopping centre is Dragon Centre (西九龍中心).

In the centre has the delicious food, lets Mr. to choose. BesidesChinese type restaurant and western restaurant, Japan, Singapore,Malaya and Southeast Asia good food, It has many choice for us ,also it make your taste to be infinite.

For my favourite movie is Death Note (死亡筆記).Do you like it ? (講既時候要看住對方)

At last, for my role model is my mother.She is very greatness (偉大). She work for us everyday, also she is assiduous (照顧周到).

Thank you.

2008-01-22 20:45:05 補充:
參考: me
2008-01-23 3:49 am
1. My favourite sport is Vol-ley-ball because it's a tough and challenging game. It needs a great effort of team work to play this game. During this game, I learned how to trust and treasure my team members.

2. My favourite shopping centre is the "Western Kowloon Shopping Centre". I enjoyed shopping there a lot because I can buy a lot of different things from there and Guess What? This plaza not only to satisfy your shopping desires but also to satisfy your desire to play around.

3. My favourite movie is Death Note. It's a very popular movie from Japan. I like the story inside.

4. My role model is like most of the others do "my mum". The virtue of her to give and not asking for a return impressed me the most.

Hopefully, it helps. Good luck with your oral exam.
2008-01-23 3:36 am
my favourite sport
My favorite sport is volleyball.

2.my favourite shopping centre
西九龍中心=Western Kowloon Centre
My favourite shopping centre is Western Kowloon Centre.

3.my favourite movie死亡筆記=Death Note
My role model is Peter
2008-01-23 3:30 am
1.my favourite sport is volleyball
2.my favourite shopping centre is the west Kowloon central
3.my favourite movie is spidermen
4.my role model is my mother
參考: me
2008-01-23 3:27 am
My favorite sport is volleyball

西九龍中心=Western Kowloon Centre
My favourite shopping centre is Western Kowloon Centre

死亡筆記=Death Note
My favourite movie is Death Note.

My role model is my mum.
2008-01-23 3:26 am
My favourite sport is volleyball.It is because it can make me to have a healthy body.BEsides,my favourite shopping centre is kowloon West centre.there are many shops I can buy the things I like such as clothings.Onthe other hand I also have a favourite movie,it is sherk.It interested me a lot because the main character sherk is a very funny mammal,I laugh all the time when I was watching it.Frankly,my role model is my mother.She is very important in my life.She works very hard for morning till night.On the weekday She will cook somethings for me and let me bring to school .therefore I will be more healthy.I love my mother and my mother loves me.
參考: me-hilary
2008-01-23 3:21 am
1.my favourite sport(要排球)
My favorite sport is volleyball.

2.my favourite shopping centre(要西九龍中心)
要西九龍中心=Western Kowloon Centre
My favourite shopping centre is Western Kowloon Centre.

3.my favourite movie(要死亡筆記....如果唔得.其他都冇所謂)
死亡筆記=Death Note
My favourite movie is Death Note.

4.my role model [超重要!!!!] (邊個都得,個名簡單就得,例:呀媽)

My role model is my mother.
My role model is President George Bush.

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