救命!!!!十萬火急.... superman 20分!!

2008-01-23 2:01 am

講下本野講咩..主角..最中意邊part 咁

回答 (3)

2008-01-23 3:05 am
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Good morning teachers and my fellow classmates. Today I would like to have to presentation about a famous fiction book. the main character has a lot of special abilities, such as ulimate strength, incredibly high speed, etc. Well, after my introduction, do you have a clue of what I am sharing today? (等待) Ye, you are absolutely right - It's the most famous one among the heros - Superman.

Superman was born in Planet Krypton. When he was young, his parents put him into a spaceship and that spaceship landed on the Earth. After that, he was adopted by a couple and he got his new name - Clark Kent.

The most unforgettable scene in the Superman series is the challenge between Supermn and the Atom Man. Although it is already a very old story, I still love it very much.

Besides the wonderful plot, I have also learnt something fom this book like evil may never win the heroes, etc. I think this book is full of exciting scenes, so I highly recommand you to have a look of it. If you are interested in this book, you may borrow it from the library or from me directly.

打左英文先 - 我既grammar不是太好- -... 畢竟英文限度有限
但希望都可以幫倒你 =D

2008-01-22 19:13:55 補充:
各位老師同學你地好,我今日想同你地介紹一本著名既文學作品。本書既主角擁有好多超能力,例如無限力量、超高速等等。講到呢度,我估你地都有少少頭緒啦,無錯,我今日想同大家分享既係作品就超人勒超人生於克利普頓星,佢細個既時候,佢父母將佢放左係隻UFO度,之後佢黎左地球,比一對夫婦收養左,仲索性改名做Clark Kent =]

2008-01-22 19:14:13 補充:
參考: 自己
2008-01-23 3:05 am
You can check superman's biography out on this website.

2008-01-23 2:31 am
Superman Superman of this book is how to save the planet as the main theme, Superman-he of the Earth from harmful villains drive the Earth, at the loss of life, should the wrong time away from the earth, if students want to see the books can go to the library .(可能有錯!)

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