
2008-01-23 1:38 am
Mr Lam buys 50 dozen apples for $720 and he finds that 10% of them are rotten. If he wants to make a profit of 50% with the remaining apples. What should be the selling price of each apple?


回答 (7)

2008-01-23 1:48 am
✔ 最佳答案
Q: Mr. Lam buys 50 dozen apples for $720 and he finds that 10%
of them are rotten. If he wants to make a profit of 50% with the
remaining apples. What should be the selling price of each apple?
50 × ( 1 - 10% )
= 50 × 0.9
= 45 ....... remaining dozen apples
45 × 12 = 540 ....... remaining apple
720 × ( 1 + 50% ) = 1080 ....... total selling price
1080 / 540
= 2 ....... selling price for each apple
Ans: $2
Send me a letter if any steps you don’t understand.
參考: 數學小頭腦
2008-01-31 5:27 am
Very good ~ !
2008-01-25 6:07 am
Total no. of apples bought : 50 x 12 = 600
No of good apples remained : 600 x 90% = 540
With 50% profit, total amount should be : 720 x 150% = $1,080
Selling price of each apple : 1,080 / 540 = $2

In order to get 50% profit, each apple should be sold at $2.00
2008-01-24 6:24 am
The number of remaining apples

The selling price of each apple The selling price of each apple
=$[720(1+50%)]/540 =$[(720+720x50%)/540]
=$(720x150%)/540 OR =$[(720+360)/540]
=$(720x1.5)/540 =$1080/540
=$1080/540 =$2

The selling price of each apple should be $2.

Selling price = cost price (1 + profit per cent) OR
Selling price = cost price + cost price x profit per cent

Hope my answer can help you!!~
參考: myself -]]] (Learning this chapter) ^^
2008-01-23 2:20 am
Total no. of apples bought : 50 x 12 = 600
No of good apples remained : 600 x 90% = 540
With 50% profit, total amount should be : 720 x 150% = $1,080
Selling price of each apple : 1,080 / 540 = $2

In order to get 50% profit, each apple should be sold at $2.00
2008-01-23 1:56 am
no of the apple which can sell
50X0.9X12 (因為買左50打apple 要計有幾多個就要成番12)
= 540個
let the selling price of each apple be y
(540y-720)/720 x 100% = 50% (只要我張唔係 rotten 既apple成番y - 個cost之後再除番個cost then 成埋100%等於50% )
(540y-720) /720 = 0.5
540y-720 = 360
540y = 1080
y = 2

The selling price of each apple is $2
參考: me
2008-01-23 1:49 am
Total no. of apples bought : 50 x 12 = 600
No of good apples remained : 600 x 90% = 540
With 50% profit, total amount should be : 720 x 150% = $1,080
Selling price of each apple : 1,080 / 540 = $2

In order to get 50% profit, each apple should be sold at $2.00

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