想訂做造製t-shirt,t恤燙畫,印tee,iGift.hk DOS t-shirt Buddy t-shirt分別?

2008-01-22 7:48 pm
想做一些團體制服, 圓領短袖t恤, 200件, 一至兩個印花, 我知道以下公司都不錯,

請問對他們印象如何 ?

回答 (6)

2012-04-18 9:08 am
Call 36793630, 在旺角的, 專做causal wear, POLO, T shirt, 風褸之類, 超好service
2010-07-02 10:30 pm
amax其實算係咁 跟進同質料都唔算差 係唔夠平

可以試下呢間e-mail:[email protected]

好似係幾件都做 以量少黎講唔算貴

用料算上乘各方面都幾好 係跟進方面有問題

試過平日中午打過去無人聽亦都無人主動覆 不過尚算準時到貨

另一間 wctee 都唔錯

係驗貨要小心d 有時會有幾件貨次左都照俾

再唔係試下去 長沙灣道長樂大廈搵下 個度有幾層都係做呢d

價錢唔貴 品質都唔錯 但係就唔係一件起貨
2010-05-27 11:27 pm
我知有 一間在 Sham Shui Po .. 佢地價錢係我問過最平 . 質量好好
tee , polo shirt 都有

印tee, 燙畫, 絲印, 繡花, 團體衫, 班衫, 廣告衫專門店


W: http://madmr.biz.ly/
E: [email protected]
2009-04-03 1:29 am

2008-01-23 8:13 am
I try iGift and DOS before. I made T-shirt and Polo from iGift and Vest from DOS. My impression are:

Price: iGift cheaper than DOS
Style: Same
Delivery Date: iGift faster
Quality: very similar as the responsible person said the materials are the same.

I will recommend you iGift as they also made Jacket, Sport wear and some accessory also. The telephone is 31716577 and web is www.igift.hk
2008-01-22 7:57 pm
我會用 DOS, d 料好d.

Buddy 就 平d, 但我唔鐘意d料, 較焗身

iGift.hk: 未試過.

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