study in australia

2008-01-22 7:04 am
我想請問goldcoast institute多唔多華人,同埋果邊d生活指數高唔高,容易搵part time嗎?
另外to compare with saibt,which one is better,i don't know how to choose this two institute to study nursing in australia.

其實我想搵一間比較少華人同靜d既地方goldcoast and saibt邊間比較少華人 ,睇完你地既回答唔係好想去goldcoast,有無d好介紹,因為我覺得有d升學顧問唔係好老實,thank you very much!

回答 (2)

2008-01-22 7:24 am
✔ 最佳答案
La Trobe University is a very good university for taking nursing course, but it is in Melbourne.

In fact Australia has many Chinese student, of course in GoldCoast. However, there is much better than Canada and US. 生活指數 is very high because there is a poplar place for tourism. Food and accomdation is more expensive than other place in Australia. Not difficult to get a part-time job there. But don't expect easy to get a job in office like a clerk. Most student is working as a waiter/waitress.
參考: me
2008-01-22 7:27 am
你要知道 呢個世界真係超級多華人, 華人係無處不在~
Goldcoast 除左中國人外, 最多就是日本人, 因為很早以前日本人係那邊大事營商.
Goldcoast ge 生活指數比 Brisbane 低一點點吧~
想找Parttime 就好講際遇了, 留學生多數都是做餐廳, 清潔, sales 這類工~
不過澳洲近年整體生活指數高左, 澳元每個月都升 你就知道.
與其讀呢類 institute 我會比較建議讀在大學裡讀ge diploma.
係QLD 裡 有三大 大學 QUT, QU, 同 GU , 你先打聽一下佢地有無連接 NURSING ge 課程, 總比去讀 那些 INSTITUTE 好.
另外, 就我所記得, Brisbane city 有間 institute就提供 nursing diploma 最為出名. 好像是 'A' 開頭的 = = 我忘了什麼名字~
你不妨再多一點打聽. 第一間學校係好重要架, 因為係澳洲就讀第一年是不可以轉校架!

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