信用卡問題 (10分)

2008-01-22 6:41 am

回答 (5)

2008-01-22 6:57 am
✔ 最佳答案
參考: me
2008-01-23 2:36 am
當然唔會啦 !

銀行評估信用狀況降主要睇你收入, 以前有沒有拖欠卡數.
2008-01-22 8:34 am
1) 不會因為您報失信用卡, 無金錢損失,

而道致您信用狀況降低, 根本兩者無關係.

2) 至於您去其他銀行申請信用卡,唔批, 必定有其他原因,

a) 上次申請這間銀行時, 沒有交足文件, 之後又唔補回.
b) 還款記錄不好.
c) 有多張有結欠的信用咭等等.
2008-01-22 6:54 am
No, because banker will only concern your ability to payment. All the banker issue credit card is want to enhance their business, because if you don't settle the credit card payment on time, they will charge you interest.

But I suggested you do not open to many credit card, reason:

1) it is not good and easy to you for your personal finance management, sometimes you will forget how much you spend on A card and how much you spend on B card and how much on C card and etc., it is very very dangerous !!

2) Unless you have special reason you want to have one more card, like you want to separate your personal expense with your company's expense. e.g A card for personal expense, B card for company expense, i.e. B card's expense can claim from company or simply requested your company to open a corporate credit card to you, if you have need on business trip for company purpose, i.e. company will direct settle the corporate card's expense.

3) It is not easy to accumulate points to redeem gift, if you used too many cards, i.e. your bonus point will allocate on different credit cards.

Manange your finance, do not over spend, it is very very dangerous, make a habbit 100% fully payment on each month's credit card bill.
2008-01-22 6:52 am

申請信用card 佢地係以你財務狀況及你以往紀錄,來評估你的信用額及會否批你張信用card.

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