
2008-01-22 4:42 am
題目是:A lesson in life

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2008-01-22 4:48 am
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A lesson in life

A lesson in life, it is always the negative one which can give you an impact or a lesson to learn.
We have to learn from our own mistakes. Don’t be so stubborn, learn from our previous incidents and may our mistakes be our lessons in continuing our life. If we commit the same mistakes again and again, we are stupid enough to understand what is going on. There is a wisdom behind our mistakes. One is enough, two is too much and if it happened third time in our life, we are already stupid, so we make ourself more stupid than ever. Mistakes can be one of the ways to modify our own behaviour, but if we didn’t learn from it, chances are our life becomes more complicated to begin with.

For example, don’t be a big liar. One lie, here comes another lie. Two lies, you will lie for a lifetime. Lying takes a big effort and more dramatic introduction to make someone to believe you. If you are not a good liar, then don’t try it. Someone can read your actions and your eyes, so don’t try it. Don’t sweat yourself, just for the sake of lying. There’s no such thing such as white lie and black lie, if it is a lie, it’s a lie, no matter how you explain the word. If others will know that you are lying, the next word that comes in your mouth, even if it is the truth; others won’t believe you anymore. That’s the consequences of lying. Covering up the whole truth might be a bad thing to start. Lying might be the next big thing.

I hope it can help!

收錄日期: 2021-04-19 17:09:10
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