請問咩係psp ge UMD??

2008-01-22 1:20 am
UMD ge 有咩用?
psp 無左佢無點?

回答 (2)

2008-01-22 3:02 am
✔ 最佳答案
係psp既碟,要黎玩games or 睇video......
冇左都冇咩問題...正常玩iso cso要經umd
但只要係開機時,按住r掣唔放,入左去recovery mode 到較no umd
咁就唔使經umd玩iso cso
2008-01-22 1:23 am
UMD is special storage media for PSP.

Mainly used for distribution of games and movies.

If you don't have UMD disc, it should be okay still, although some custom firmware versions will need a UMD disc to be present in the drive to load ISO/CSO files.

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