First you need to clam down yourself.
Relax yourself.
You should know clearly that life is a great thing that your parents gave you.
You should also know that going to die is not the solution of the problems you have.
Even you think you have 抑鬱躁狂症 or whatever, I told you, it not as easy as you think to have this kind of sickness.
There are many ways to help you to get rid of this sickness. You can talk to your parents or friends. Don't make the unhappy things stay in your heart. Open your heart and always be happy.
If your thinking is wrong, everything will be wrong.
Remeber what I said, ALWAYS BE HAPPY !
You said that you have 中左9 out of 10徵症 of 抑鬱躁狂症, is it what you found on internet? Sometimes, every person may have different 徵症, please try to forget about these and think of something that can make you happy. Don't belive on those internet, there may have something which are false.
Trust yourself that you are always happy.
And trust me....
參考: my own experience
一個人在世,令其他人不開心,那個人自殺或訐能解決問題.不過,在很多事上,當時人只不過是一時之氣,過左一段時間就會沒事!所以,那個人令身邊的人傷心,有時只屬於短暫,過左一段時間就會對那個人回復正常!所以,那個人死左會否令身邊的人開心一些,就要看那件事的嚴重性!如果那件事的嚴重性太大,身邊的人真的十分討厭佢,而且也不會在一生裹會原諒佢(例子,謀殺左朋友個呀爸!),而那個人真的唔想生存的話,我想,那個人自殺會好d!起碼可以解決者被害者的家屬的不安和憤怒!不過,一個人在自殺之前,請想確定真的是不是應該去死的!因為事情未必太壞,過左一段時間就會沒事的事情,而那個人自殺的話,在若干時間之後,佢身邊的人會為佢而傷心(因為這是人的天性,當某一事物在生的時侯,不會珍惜佢,當那件事物死左之後,先會憧得珍惜,而在這種珍惜的情況之下,就一定會得到痛苦,因為基於後悔不能再和當事人一起的原因),咁就不但不會令其他人開心,而且會令佢地傷心的!所以,我想你在死之前,想清楚自己應唔應死!我想人的生命多數都是無價的,而且,如果那個人即使對生存感到無價值,都要為身邊人的開心,而生存下去!香港人由於生活太忙,而忽略左身邊的人和事物,係好經常發生的事,不過,當那些人知道那個人或事物死左之後,先會傷心,珍惜和後悔的!所以,盡量唔洗死,都唔好死的呢!! 有些人忽略左你感受,你一定要死?你只不過係接觸的人比較不理會你的感受,不等於所有人 不理會你感受!你多結交朋友之後,總會有一兩個知道你的感受的呢!固然,一個人生活得太痛苦,死或者是一種很好的解決方法,不過,當你一想到,你的死會令很多人為你的死而傷心,你仲想死嗎?我不排除有些人生無可戀,因為生命係無價,係精彩,只屬於小部份人的,而很多人其實生不如生,死不如死,生存起上來同死人無分別!不過,為者你身邊的人,盡量活下去!或者,再過一段時間之後,佢地會明白理會他人感受的重要性呢!仲有咩問題,儘管再上來問吧! =]]]
2008-01-21 17:32:46 補充:
Be happy All thE t!me ^^!! =]promise ! okay ? =]`
參考: hope i can help u ^3^!!