
2008-01-21 9:21 pm

paying much attenttion to male than female???





回答 (3)

2008-01-21 9:29 pm
✔ 最佳答案
regard male than female

2008-01-21 13:33:08 補充:
not fair between male and female
參考: think
2008-01-22 10:27 pm
Patriarchy, male dominance, male chauvinism 全部都係指大男人主義喎! 發問人應該係問重男輕女, something like 'male-biased'...
2008-01-21 9:52 pm
重男輕女 (男性主導):
1) patriarchy (noun), patriarchal (adjective) - 父權制
2) Male dominance
3) Male chauvinism (大男人主義)

i.e. 中國是一個男性主導的社會。男性永遠是一家之主。

a) China is a patriarchal society. Men are always the dominant party in the household.
b) China is a patriarchal society. Men are always the head of the household.

2008-01-21 14:01:27 補充:
在一個極度男性主導的社會﹐如印度﹐印度人會特別強調對男性的教育。In a highly patriarchal society like India, Indians place more emphasis on the education for males.

2008-01-23 09:02:24 補充:
Patriarchy (男性主導) 已經可以解重男輕女了﹐ 看看我之前補充的句子。Male biased 多數用在解釋基因構造的。不是重男輕女.

2008-01-27 09:17:58 補充:
錯到離晒譜﹐ 不知所謂!
參考: I am a Master's student in the US.

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