
2008-01-21 7:05 pm
機內的乘客係唔係會休克, 點解, 仲會有甚麼生理反應嗎

回答 (2)

2008-01-22 12:40 am
✔ 最佳答案
again, this depends on "how" 墜機 takes place. If depressurisation happens, pax may be inflicted with coma (think about the air pressure up at 30,000 ft). If no depressurisation, there may not be coma. So, it really depends on how the accident will take place.

2008-01-22 14:38:09 補充:
(think about the air pressure "and hence the oxygen content" up at 30,000 ft).

2008-01-23 20:17:30 補充:
機內的乘客係會休克, 因為急墜之下,機內的乘客適應不到高度而休克****************若機艙內沒有depressurisation, 乘客根本休克

2008-01-23 20:18:15 補充:
甚至會嘔白泡,暈眩,突發性失聰及死亡 ****************全屬癈話

2008-01-24 12:16:03 補充:
機內的乘客係會休克, 因為急墜之下,機內的乘客適應不到高度而休克****************若機艙內沒有depressurisation, 乘客根本不會休克
2008-01-24 3:21 am
機內的乘客係會休克, 因為急墜之下,機內的乘客適應不到高度而休克.甚至會嘔白泡,暈眩,突發性失聰及死亡
參考: ME

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