
2008-01-21 7:02 pm
公司有出租屋, 老板要我打編英文信通知個鬼佬租客租約期滿後不續約, 叫佢搵定屋, 請問有無內容及格式參考.(自己英文吾好, 希望大家幫幫忙)

回答 (1)

2008-01-21 7:38 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Dear Mr. xxxx,

Re: Address of rental premises (出租物業地址)

Reference to our rental agreement on the above premises with you, we would like to advise that (1) we would like to take back the flat for one of our senior staff member as staff quarter; 客氣地給一個理由如取回物業給高級職員作宿舍用(2) we would like to take back the flat to entertain our overseas' visitors. 或留給海外買家作短期住宿用!

According to our agreement, we would like to give you 6 month's notice (通知期) and would be grateful if you can vacate the premises and put it back into its original condition on or before (date) 遷出日。

Thank you in advance for your kind co-operation and we regret any inconvenience caused.


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