What are the differences between the Processor AMD and Intel

2008-01-21 6:13 pm
What are the differences between the Processor of AMD and Intel?????

回答 (1)

2008-01-22 2:01 am
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One advice to Ken is that: Don't trust the things found on the internet, especially those generalize too much, try found some book source to support.

Acutally, this question is really difficult to answer, there are several differences in the product of two blands (e.g. Architecture, Manufacturing Technology, etc.). However, there are also same kinds of differences found in the products produced by the same bland in different generation. (That's why it is difficult, as it always happen even for the same bland.)

The only things that is true from AMD starts till now is that, Intel is leading the manufacturing technology (However, it is not the whole story for comparing perfromence).

I think I should start from 1998(when AMD K7 comes out), because it is the first time that AMD win Intel in performence. (Actually, after 1998, both blands take over each other in general performence when new product comes out)

For AMD K7, it beats the Intel Pentium III. It is still using FSB for [transporting instruction] to other parts. However, it starts using the Double Data Rate Technology, it makes the bandwidth comes out is larger that Pentium III even the FSB is smaller. Also, K7 has the highest L1 Cache at that time too.

When Intel Pentium4 comes out, which is in Netbrust Architecture. It starts the competition in clock frequency between the two blands. Thus, Pentium4 leads AMD in performence again. (However, not leading very much.) And uses the clock speed as the name of CPU.

Afterwards, AMD K8 comes out with many changes, it uses the HyperTransport instead of FSB. (Thus, it gives a much higher bandwidth than Pentium4 gives.) It also have a build-in memory controller, which makes the CPU can access the data stored in RAM without passing through chipset. It beats the Intel Pentium4 in Core design. Although it cannot have a high clock frequency (partly because the Manufacture Technology is lower). It start using a naming system P-rating, which a naming system to compare the Intel Pentium4 CPU with that clock speed and said to be having better performence. During the time of AMD K8 and Intel Netburst, AMD K8 wins until the Intel Core come.

2008-01-21 18:07:05 補充:
p.s. Acutally, not all the things on the internet cannot be trusted, but need to prove if it is right, and when the data last update. Because, something could be right in the past but not right now. Something you find could be wrong before you prove.

2008-01-21 18:16:59 補充:
Something added: Before AMD K7, both AMD and Intel CPU are really similar. (Actually, before AMD make her own CPU, she was the factory help Intel produce CPUs.)Even K7, the socket used (Slot A) is totally inverse comparing with Slot1 used in Pentium II.

收錄日期: 2021-04-29 18:01:50
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