由LA揸車去Las Vegas

2008-01-21 12:50 pm
今年農曆新年, 會嘗試租車由Las vegas揸車LA disney去 (來回), 由於我們只熟悉三藩市既路, 故希望出發前搜集資料...
除咗保險一定要買外, 我地都會租埋GPRS, 有冇需要再買地圖呢??
呢個路線複唔複雜?? 有冇咩野需要注意??
希望有經驗既人教一教路...唔該哂 ~~

另揸車去LA, 有冇好景點同野食推介?

回答 (2)

2008-01-21 11:40 pm
✔ 最佳答案
LA 往返 LV 袛是一條公路,Freeway 15,如果知道所前往的方向 (ie. LA to LV 是用 15 North; LV to LA 是用 15 South), 不太可能會走錯。沿途會有路牌告訴你仲有幾多哩到目的地,咁你知你無走錯路。 如走錯路或唔識路,可以到油站問 (有厠所),一般很樂意幫助。
如無塞車,走75 至 80 mph 的話(speed limit is 65mph, but everyone is traveling at about 80mph),四個小時便可到達。
值得一提,在 LV 附近有個 Outlets (http://www.fashionoutletlasvegas.com/),是往返 LV / LA 必經的,可以走一走。

LA 景點大概就是disney 跟 universal studio. 有空可到 santa monica 海邊逛逛,幾舒服。 食的話,真的見人見智,我自己喜歡 monterey park 區內的台灣食品。
2008-01-21 6:46 pm
in Feburery, the Rocky mountain maybe have snow fall, but if not a major storm, you should be ok to drive throught the pass.
beside GPS, you should have a gerenal highway map, buy a very good detailed USA map is about $ 20, sale at gas station, or 7 - 11.
bring some sweeties, music cd and soft drinks with you, you will have a long, boring desert road to LA.

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