
2008-01-21 10:45 am


3.基因改造食物,對健康是否一定無害,科學家可能都未必能夠十分肯定,所以我地應該盡量減少食e d食物,,可以既話,應該留係屋企食or選擇一d健康素食為主既店

回答 (3)

2008-01-21 1:05 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1) Government should keep fastfood eatery under surveillance through legislation because of misleadingly advertisement activities and list calorie details clearly for food are requested.

2) Consumers may burden a bit responsibilities to keep healthy since people are advised to do more exercise after meal.

3) There is no definite proof to testify that genetically modified foods are safe. So we are better off trying those of foods and eat more healthy foods and vegetables.
2008-01-21 4:40 pm
小弟自己譯依篇文, 無用番譯網, 如有不對, 還請各位指教!! 點都好, 希望幫到你

1. The government should legislate and monitor the fast food shop about their misleading advertisement and ask them to list out the calories on every food.
2. The consumers should carry some responsibilites as well. After having the fast food, they should do some exercise so that their health will be better (or fewer health-related problem).
3. Is Gentically modified (GM) food harmless to health? It is not certain for the scientists, hence we should not eat too much this kind of food. If possible, we should eat at home or choose the resturant which provides vegetarian diet mainly .
參考: 自己
2008-01-21 2:05 pm
1. Government should perform supervision against the misleading advertisments from the fast food restaurants at which the nuturition contents including calories are also required to be posted clearly.

2. Consumers should be responsible for their health by doing exercise after eating the fast food to avoid the health problems.

3. There is not a proof from the scientists that the genetically modified food is good to health. So, we should minimize the consumption of the food. If possible, it is better to eat at home or to dine at the vegetarian food restaurants.

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