
2008-01-21 9:54 am
下面一段說話, 請代為譯返英文, 急, 要交功課, 謝! (係講遊行時的嘢, 要用過去式的, 日記形式的, 用返的意思就得, 不用逐個字譯)
Second 在東京我看見了下雪。一月份的東京是冬季, 天氣非常寒冷, 平均氣溫為2度至10度, 平均降雨量係50mm, 下雪時看見房頂上、街道上都鋪上了一層厚厚的白雪, 雪花飄飄景色一片雪白, 非常美麗, 令我非常興奮。
跟著我想告訢你, 今年是我第一次係外地倒數, 在酒店外面的街道上, 每一棵樹都掛滿美麗的、耀眼的燈飾, 我們在酒店的餐庁裏一邊享受消夜一邊欣賞外面的景色。真是一個難忘的經歷。我亦非常喜歡日本的壽司和魚生, 非常美味。
來緊有假期將會去那裏? 我將會泰國我可以係沙灘上晒日光浴和潜水, 還可以買一些很平的手信和禮物。

回答 (4)

2008-01-21 10:26 am
✔ 最佳答案
聲明在先, 小弟自己譯, 無用番譯網ga. 如有任何不好的地方, 還請指教呢!!

I saw it was snowing in Tokyo. For Tokyo, January is still winter. It is very cold, the average temperature lies beteeen 2 to 10 degree Celsius and the average rainfall is around 5omm. I sw the roof of the house and the street was vovered with a thick layer of snow. I was very happy because the scene was very beautiful.
I want to tell you, it was my first time that I counted down in a foreign place. The trees, which were on the streets outside the hotels and glaring decorated, were very beautiful. We enjoyed our meal in the hotel resturants and appreciated the scene outside at the same time. This is really a memorable experience! I also like the Japanese sushi and sashimi, they are very delicious as well!
Where will I go in the coming holiday? I shall go to Thailand. I can enjoy sunbathing and diving there. I can buy some inexpensive presents too!
參考: 自己譯, 無用番譯網
2008-01-22 9:40 am
Second I saw that it was snowing in tokyo.There is Winter in Tokyo on January, it is very cold.The average temperature is 2 C and the average rainfall is fifty mm at that time.
We can see thick snow on the streets and the top of houses .The snow flew through the air .It was very beautiful and I was excited.
Then I tell you that it was my first count down in the other place this year.Any trees hanged beautiful glaring light bulb on the streets which were outside the restaurant.We enjoyed the dinner and watched out of the restaurant.This is really a unforgettable experience.I also love sushi and sashimi in japan.They were very delicious.
Where do you want to go in the following holiday ?I will go to Thailand because I can taking a sunbath and diving in there.Besides,I can buy many souvenirs and gifts too.
2008-01-22 3:15 am
Second I saw in Tokyo to snow. January Tokyo is the winter, theweather extremely cold, the average temperature is 2 to 10, theaverage rainfall amount is 50mm, snows when saw in the roof, thestreet all to spread out a thick white snow, a snowflake floating
scenery piece snow white, extremely beautiful, made me to be extremely.
參考: me
2008-01-21 5:31 pm
January in Tokyo is very cold, because it is winter. I saw a lot of snow, and the average temperature was two to 10 degrees, and the average rainfall was 50mm a day. All the petite houses and roads were covered with thick, white snow. It was a beautiful view.

And another thing- this year was my first year to go overseas and countdown for the new year. Outside the hotel all the trees were decorated with flashing, bright lights. We watched the glowing lights while we ate dinner at the hotel. I loved the traditional sushi and sashimi; it was delicious. This certianly is an unforgettable experience!

So where am I going next holidays? I've decided to go to Thailand; I can sunbathe and snorkel on the picturesque beaches, and can buy delicate souveniers at a low cost!
參考: me~~ =)

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