How long do you think the status of Social Security, as an aid to the American public, will last?

2008-01-20 10:36 pm
First, we as Americans, were told that we had until 2040, for Social Security to last. Then, just last week we were told that it will last until 2017. Now, the Senate has passed a bill that illegals will be allowed to receive social security.

I am concerned that it will be more like 2010 now that this has occurred. What is your take on this?

回答 (5)

2008-01-23 1:42 am
✔ 最佳答案
The program would last a lot longer if Baby Bush hadn't purloined the funds immediately after squatting in the people's house at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.
2008-01-24 3:25 pm
7 years?
2008-01-21 12:37 pm
The last thing that I heard about Social Security, is that people born in the year 1960 and after 1960, will not be able to obtain social security benefits as there will be no funds left. I am concerned about this because I was born in 1960. Americans who have been in the country for years or who were born in the good ole' US of A, should take precedence over illegals. This is NOT to say that people who have become US Citizens from other countries and, are now considered Americans, should be excluded. But, as they say." you can't fight City Hall " !! What happened to our rights??
參考: Personal opinion
2008-01-20 11:06 pm
You can't count on the government. It always screws things up.
2008-01-20 10:49 pm
20-25 yrs

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