What is the chemical equation for the reaction between sulfuric acid and zinc oxide to form zinc sulphate?

2008-01-20 5:53 pm
I have no idea and I need to find it for my coursework. I've lost all the information I had about the reactants' names. Can you help?

回答 (5)

2008-01-20 5:58 pm
✔ 最佳答案
H2SO4 + ZnO >> ZnSO4 + H2O
2016-12-13 6:30 pm
zinc oxide + hydrochloric acid ---> zinc chloride + water ZnO + HCl ---> ZnCl2 +H2O zinc oxide + sulphuric acid ---> zinc sulphate + water ZnO + H2SO4 ---> ZnSO4 + H2O zinc oxide + nitric acid ---> ZnO + HNO3 ---> ZnN + H2O + O
2015-04-22 3:20 pm
ZnO.SiO2 + H2 SO4 + H2 O = ZnSO4 + H4 SiO4
ZnSiO4 + 2H2 SO4 = 2ZnSO4 + Si(OH)4
Zn4 Si2 O7 (OH)2 . H2 O + 4H2 SO4 = 4 ZnSO4 + 2 Si(OH)4 +2 H2 O

[email protected]
student of M.A.C. Mineral processing
2008-01-20 6:02 pm
sulfuric acid =H2SO4
zinc oxide =ZnO2
zinc sulphate=ZnSO4
it doesn't need equation
2008-01-20 5:58 pm
It is a double replacement reaction
H2OS4 + ZnO -->

Just have the cations switch their anions, balance oxidation numbers with subscripts, and then use coefficients to balance numbers of atoms

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