Has anyone here ever seen a UFO?

2008-01-20 1:31 pm
About 13 years ago me, my brother and my Mum seen 5 balls of light following in close succession out of our bedroom window, they were moving slowly and then sped up and had blue streaks behind them. There could possibly be a logical explanation but I have not been able to think of one.

Has anyone else ever seen a UFO?

David A - Ha, I will give you an A+ for your b$llsh^t abilities. Impressive, the first few paragraphs I was actually taken in by it!!

回答 (33)

2008-01-20 1:34 pm
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2008-01-20 1:44 pm
Yes me. Three or four brightly coloured lights that sped across the sky at a tremendous speed then stopped dead. A few seconds later they sped off again .. no accelleration .. just instant high speed ..
Jimmy Carter the former President saw the same .. he called it ''the darnest thing'' .. like me he wasn't confused by Neptune or Balloons or whatever.
2008-01-20 4:11 pm
During the mid-1990s around 7:45 am the west sidewalk of California Street in Socorro, NM, had a dozen or so people, including me, hurrying to their destinations nearby. [Three were professors in science and engineering departments at New Mexico Tech, which is located in Socorro.] The Rio Grande River runs parallel to that sidewalk approximately two miles to the east.

Most people in that community know one another by sight and several had exchanged good-morning nods and smiles. Then, half-block ahead of me I saw someone pointing toward the sky and talking animatedly to the person stopped beside him who was also staring.

I turned to look with everyone else. Something was in the sky southeast either over the Rio Grande, or to the east of it, either low [if close maybe 1000 feet AGL when I first saw it] or high if it was larger and far away. It was darting, stopping, ascending vertically, descending vertically, stopping, all movements and changes of direction at such speeds as to be beyond the capabilities of any aircraft I've ever heard of.

This continued probably a minute or two... then the object maneuvered upward abruptly 70 degrees or so and vanished in a streak.

After a brief pause the pedestrians mostly turned to one another and muttered, "Did you see that?", then shrugged and went about their own affairs.

Occasionally afterward some speculated a bit over coffee what it might have been, but none ever treated it as a threat, or expressed any fear about what it was, or what it meant.

Nobody scrambled for a camera, nobody called the newspaper, nobody demanded an explanation from any official arm of government.

Probable cause:

None of those people was unaware of the 'stupid, gullible hick' syndrome.

None of us had a burning desire to be accused of being on drugs.

None had a hunger to see our names bandied about in those contexts.
2008-01-20 3:05 pm
I usually see 2 or 3 UFOs, whenever I spend a night under the stars. There is alot of stuff floating around in plain sight that most people never get to see, because they never bother to look up. Some of these are man made satellites, or debris, many are balloons, others are atmospheric distortions. They all looks exactly like many of the "UFO" photos published by people who believe that they have seen alien spaceships (except for the classic hubcap on a string photos). Clearly, if these were alien invaders, they would have little need to hide, since their population on our planet would likely exceed ours.
2008-01-20 2:26 pm
no, i never have, and i doubt i ever will. sure, i've seen strange lights floating in the sky, but i know that if there were UFOs they would not go undetected, and with the freedom of information we have now, there would be no way anyone would be able to keep that secret. Plus, why would anyone visit us, and come that far into the atmosphere; it would cost too much fuel, and serve no purpose. they would have to be infesiably long-lived to travel that many light years, or have very very very long-term plans for their unmanned missions(though maybe unmanned is the wrong word...) Also, they would need to be intelligent. Unfortunately, the most likely form of alien in the universe will be small, a few cells perhaps, like bacteria or other small organisms, which don't tend to have the inteliigence to build space craft now, do they.
2008-01-20 2:11 pm
Hello star -

What you may have seen was a formation of fighter aircraft. When they light their afterburners, you can see the blue exhaust - if it is after dark and if you are at the right angle. They also tend to move faster with afterburners. That would be my first assumption, at least.
2008-01-23 7:24 pm
Most dont want to be called stupid by people with theories about seeing jupiter at a funny angle etc etc. Why dont these folks get wise.. Jupiter does not take off like a bullet to the Horizon... I know who is stupid... those who are so bloody blind that they would miss a jumbo Jet parked in their yard.
I feel real sorry for all you folks who cant tell - because them out there are so bloody stupid.
2008-01-22 11:06 pm
Firstly. it could have been stars, comets, planes, skylights, or even small, self-luminous (they make their own light) objects in space. Also, here's some background information about aliens:

First, let me point out I count aliens as intelligent life. The chances of an environment like the one in Earth, which is so optimal for life, existing at a given place are at best 1 in 1 000 000 000 000, so it isn't really that probable. It still is possible that aliens exist though, just a bit unlikely. And it is impossible for space to be infinite, according to the Big Bang theory, for which more and more evidence is being found, even heat signatures from the place at which it happened. Basically, alien life is scientifically possible, but improbable. Also, it is still unlikely that any other life has adapted to different conditions. First, think of how many things need to be perfect: atmospheric pressure, planetary orbit speed, orbit distance, rotation speed, size, the size of what it revolves around, what it revolves around, where it is near other stars and galaxies, and many, many others. The likelihood of perfect adaption is very slim. Which raises the question: Why do we, or any other animals, exist? The answer is part of evolution. Although our most similar animal is the chimpanzee, at one time we were all the same- unicellular organisms that lived in the ocean, which at the time, covered almost the entire earth. It is popularly believed that the ocean receded due to the evaporation from the sun, and that when the earth cooled down, polar ice caps formed, making the ocean level go down. The protozoans, which are the unicellular organisms from which all animal life on earth evolved, found the newly exposed land. By this time, they had evolved into a larger sea animal, and there was more diversity. The ones closer to land eventually evolved into all our land animals and birds, and the ones farther away from land kept evolving as sea creatures. During the evolution, the animals adapted to the harsher conditions of land, and thus evolved to be perfect matches with the conditions.
2008-01-20 2:38 pm
I saw many . A toy balloon , a scrap of paper or plastic , a bird , an airplane , etc . that you're not sure of is a UFO . Unidentified Flying Object .
You can be sure that they all are from right here on earth . If you're not sure of what it is - - - don't let your imagination take over . There is an explanation , even if you don't know what it is .
2008-01-20 2:24 pm
I personally have never seen one but my family saying i must be a alien/human hybrid because that is the only way they can explain my moods sometimes, i think they ruled out all other options and me being a alien/human hybrid was the only answer left, maybe one day they will come for me and take me to my real home.
2008-01-20 2:35 pm
Yes. Considering UFO stands for: Unidentified Flying Object, until you can positively identify some thing you see flying, every time you see a bird, plane or Frisbee in the air, it is a UFO until you know exactly what it is!
I have seen a real UFO though I also tried to create a fake one, but that did not work.
The real one I saw was a saucer shaped object that did not make any noise at all. I was in MI out in the country in a field and this strange thing swooped down pretty close to me and the other three people I was with. Two of the others deny ever seeing any thing! But the other guy and myself swear to this day that what we saw that day several years ago could not have been any thing else but a UFO. It traveled so fast and made no noise at all. Not even a sonic boom! At One point this thing had to of been going at least Mach Five! My friend was a math expert. He crunched some numbers and did some Calculus and Physics and stuff and figured out how fast this thing had to go to get from point A to B.
I did not see any alien beings on the space ship so we can't say what they looked like or any thing.
I think they saw us, so we ran and hid in the woods.
Since we were in a wheat field and the UFO came so close to the ground, we think they probably wanted to make a crop circle or some thing. We were also close to a dairy farm, so maybe they wanted to mutilate some live stock while they were here.
This thing came pretty close to the ground and shot some sort of a laser beam at the ground. I have no idea what it was for.
Then they had a loud speaker on the top of the ship, which they were using to try to talk to us. I could not understand what they were trying to say though. However, their language sounded like an ancient form of Greek, English and Chinese mixed together.
My friend thought he could try to communicate with them using his math expertise. Thinking it would be a universal language.
I told him not to do it, but he approached the ship. I chased after him, trying to stop him, but the next thing I knew; we were both and lying unconscious in the field, being wakened up by US Army medics. Then they wanted answers! They were asking what we saw and where we had been for the last few days. I have no memory of those Three days at all!
Then they threatened to kill me if I told any one what I saw.
Now I have some strange piece of metal embedded in my skin. The aliens told me never to remove it or I'll die.
I think I'll stop right here, I have already said too much!

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