Work done

2008-01-21 6:19 am
If i use 5N to push A to move forward 5 m
Then use 5N to pull A to move back 5 m
咁workdone 是否
During the push , f 和 s 是相同方向 = 5*5=25
during the pull, f 和s 也是相同方向吧, 所以 5*5=25
then total workdone = 50
這樣對嗎 thx

回答 (2)

2008-01-21 10:22 pm
✔ 最佳答案

雖然total displacement 是0, 但因為過程中出現了兩個不同方向的力, 所以work done 不是0.


Work done = F.s (那點是dot product)
這式中F必須是同一個力, 因為這條問題中有兩個不同的力在不同時間出現, 所以雖然最終的s=0, 但total workdone 也不是0.
2008-01-21 8:28 pm
No, the answer is zero, since in the equation W=Fs. s is the net displacement. So in your case, the net displacement is zero, so there will no work done. Your answer is the energy used, not work done.

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