Computer upgrade

2008-01-21 4:49 am
PC : run at Intel 4 CPU 3.00 2004 March built
Kingston DDR 256 x 2 ( 4 slots)
Hard disk 80gb
32 bit data transfer

if upgrade to its maximun, what do you suggest and the price.
my budget is less than HK$1500.00
Not for games,
just internet and office job only

回答 (1)

2008-01-21 5:56 am
✔ 最佳答案
If system built on March/2004, it will use DDR ram!!!
For Internet and office job purpose only - you only need to buy:-
2 x 512mb DDR-400 (Kingston) cost around HK$400
Save the rest $$$ for your new computer in fact you need to upgrade to Vista as your OS...

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