電腦中左病毒呀 開唔到IE - 工具- 網際網路選項 有咩方法解決 唔該..

2008-01-21 4:45 am
我自從上左一個不明網就係咁樣一開IE ->工具->網際網路選項就彈左一個野出黎
不過好快消失(0.2秒到) 連我的電腦入面既網際網路選項都係得番個圖示係到
網際網路選項<---呢個名都唔見埋空白既... 有咩解決方法 唔該大家幫幫手= =

回答 (2)

2008-02-04 6:23 am
✔ 最佳答案
您個 IE 比果個程式整死左.

下載 link: http://www.123renamer.com/iepro/download/ieprosetup.exe
網站: http://www.123renamer.com/iepro/Browser-Hijack-Blaster/ie-hijack-remover.htm

Repair IE HomePage: This option can prevent malicious changes on IE HomePage.
Repair IE Default Page: This option can prevent malicious changes on IE Default Page.
Repair IE Window Title:This option can prevent malicious changes on IE Window Title.
Repair IE Start Page:This option can change IE StartPage to default settings.
Repair IE Search Engine: This option can protect default IE search engine against invalid changes.
Repair Links Toolbar Name:This option can restore IE links folder name.
Repair Earth DisplayName:This option can restore IE Earth displayname.
Cancel IE Internet Options Restrictions:This option enable the accessibility in Internet Options.
Cancel IE Menu Items Restrictions:This option the accessibility in menu of IE.
Enable RegistryTools(Registry Editor):This option can protect the Registry Editor.
Clean the popup windows when system starts:Sometimes there would be unwanted pop-up IE windows when system starts up, they are annoying, and they could be prevented by this option.
2008-01-21 4:53 am
參考: me~

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