我想要一d關於保險ge news

2008-01-20 11:31 pm

回答 (1)

2008-01-21 8:04 pm
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以下集中了一些保險有關報導文章及專家們一些忠告, (有英有中) 都是勸告消費者千萬唔好買有儲蓄或投資成份的人壽保險﹕

1. Consumer Report (以下是article 內的報導, 詳細內容可入link內閱讀)
Consumer Reports has long recommended a term-life policy as the simplest, least-expensive way to insure against an untimely death.“Every time I look at the rate of return of cash-value vs. term insurance, I’m not impressed,” says Glenn S. Daily, a fee-only life-insurance adviser in New York. He says insurers often overstate the rates of return promised on whole life.

2.【星島日報】在經濟班的報導. ( 詳細內容可入link內閱讀 #14)
保險業務員或許會誇稱這些保險是退休計劃,並強調這是在保費上外加「強迫式儲蓄」,以備退休後獲得每月給付。 這些保單大多都包含高保費與高佣金,足以吞噬保單年收益達3%。更糟的是,每張保單前幾年都要支付高額的佣金,通常總計達一年保費的100%。 還有更可怕的.......

3. Smartmoney Wall Street Journal (詳細內容可入link內閱讀)
These policies come with high fees and commissions, which sometimes lop off as much as three percentage points from the annual return. On top of that, there are up-front (but hidden) commissions that are typically 100% of your first year's premium. Worse, it's often impossible to tell what the return on the investment will be, and how much of what you pay in goes toward the insurance .........

4. 著名投資財務專家Martin D. Weiss Ph.D.
I cannot say it often enough. With rare exceptions, the purchase of whole life insurance is not recommended for anyone”. -- Famous financial guru Dr. Martin D. Weiss, in his book “The Ultimate Safe Money Guide”, 2003 Edition, Page 169

5. 著名女財務專家Suze Orman女士
"In my opinion, there is only one kind of life insurance that makes sense for the vast majority of us: term life insurance". -- Suzy Orman, in her book "The Road to Wealth", page 250.

6. Money Adviser 作者
"Most people are better off with the simplest and cheapest insurance product: term life, which provides a death benefit only during the period covered by the contract". "Term is unquestionably the best choice for most young families". -- Page 94 of Money Adviser 2001- 10 Steps To Increase Your Wealth.

7. 財務專家Errold Moody先生
“But I have rarely found whole and universal life insurance to be that worthwhile or productive. And it costs you a lot more to utilize this type of product. I contend that if you want an investment, buy it separately. If you want insurance coverage, buy insurance”. “No Nonsense Finance”, P.227 by Errold F. Moody

8.【明報專訊】紅利5年減7次 209萬變60萬(內容可入link內閱讀 #145 post)

9.【明報專訊】儲保紅利縮水無王管年收保費400億 退保回報無保障
(內容可入link內閱讀 #145 post)

10. 【明報專訊】消委會關注保監處﹕無權干預(內容可入link內閱讀 #145 post)
參考: 小心保險經記利用謊言或「半謊言」去促銷保險產品.

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