choice of short term investment

2008-01-20 10:04 pm
i wanna go travelling in june and will probably spend 20k-30k on it. if i get 10k as principal, any suggestion on how i can invest in to get close to my target?? i know its kinda hard cos theres onli 4 months left...haha soooo any effort to help is appreciated.

i think i hv made it clear that its kinda hard for tht...still pls provide contributive ans for the question.

回答 (2)

2008-01-22 6:04 am
✔ 最佳答案
200% return in 4 months ? It's a very large return and should be in high risk , i.e. you would either success or lose all. If you want such a large return, you need more time (at least 5 years) because time will eliminate risk. This is the way to invest. Now you either lower your expenditure to $10k or start your journey later.
[email protected]
2008-01-21 5:42 am
How can invest to get double profit in 4 months? If anyone knows, please tell me too.
What I suggest is that you do probabaly get a part-time job to meet your target.

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