突賒醒唔起關於好淺既passive voice

2008-01-20 7:38 pm
我想問did not 點轉就passive voice
e.g.They did not give me details of their plans...
... I 咩?

回答 (1)

2008-01-20 8:09 pm
✔ 最佳答案
active voice-------They did not give me details of their plans...
passive voice------I was not given details of their plans.........
active voice-------My mother told me that the story was interesting.
passive voice-------I was told by my mother that the story was interesting.
active voice-----My mother has told me that the story was interesting.
passive voice----I have been told by my mother that the story was interesting.
active voice------He is asking me for help.
passive voice------I am being asked by him for help.
active voice-------He teaches me singing everyday.
passive voice-----I am taught singing by him everyday.

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