
2008-01-20 8:39 am
有冇規定帶手提電腦的數量? 可否帶2部?

如果要郵寄, 需要付稅?

回答 (3)

2008-01-20 5:04 pm
✔ 最佳答案
紐西蘭沒有電腦的數量限制。 但帶食品一定不可

2008-01-24 06:54:18 補充:
I carry two laptops in/out of America, Canada, UK, and Australia all the time. No one ever asks me why I carry two laptops. But if anyone asks, one is for business use and the other is for personal use.
2008-01-24 12:55 am
laptop is not prohibited goods, you can bring as many as you like. The problem is, if the custom does not think that they are for your personal use, then you would need to pay tax for it, especailly if it is brand new. Now you have to think of a reason why you need to laptops.
2008-01-20 7:13 pm

如果要郵寄, 需要付稅。

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