唔該幫手中譯英 好急呀 唔該快…

2008-01-20 7:08 am
1 請問你想揾位? 2 佢唔係度喎,佢去左搞活動呀 3 請問你係邊位呀?邊間公司架?
4 請問你個名點寫呀?公司名又點串呀? 5 請留低電話 , 等xx回來會盡快回覆你 6 我唔清楚佢部門的事,我諗都係等佢番來覆你比較好。

回答 (2)

2008-01-20 7:24 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. Who do you want to find?
2. He/She is not here, he/she went to do something.
3. May I ask? Who are you? What company?
4. How do you spell your name? And how do you spell your company?
5.Please leave your phone number, wait for xx to come back to call you back.
6. I don't know which apartment's job, I think it is best to wait for him/her to come back will be better.
參考: myself
2008-01-20 7:44 am
1.Who do you want to talk with?(直譯:你想同邊個講野?)
2.He is not here,he is going to discuss(策劃)/make an activity(活動),what can I help you?
3 請問你係邊位呀?
3.Who are you?
4 請問你個名點寫呀?
4.Can you spell(串出) your name please?
5.請留低電話, 等xx回來會盡快回覆你
5.Please give me your phone(電話) number(號碼).
I will tell him(男)/her(女) and ask him(男)/her(女) call you.(直譯:我會話比佢(xx)知,同叫佢(xx)打比你)
6 我唔清楚佢部門的事,我諗都係等佢番來覆你比較好。
6.I don't his department's(部門的) thing very much,I think you wait for he reply(回覆) you will better.(會更好)

2008-01-21 12:08:39 補充:
改錯...6.I don't his department's(部門的) thing very much,I think you wait for he reply(回覆) you will be better.(會更好)

2008-01-21 12:09:17 補充:
改錯...6.I don't his department's(部門的) thing very much,I think you wait for he reply(回覆), will be better.(會更好)
參考: 我自己...(myself...)

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