
2008-01-20 6:29 am
係咪學一樣樂器之前,一樣要有一d樂理知識 ? 我學左長笛年半,就兩年la,係學校學ge(管樂團),但平時都無咩點練d基本功,如吹長音等,只係練下一d音階,平時都係練下band譜,咁係咪會學唔好長笛,同埋係咪一定要學樂理(因為有時個指揮講d野,我都唔係好明),點樣先可以學好長笛?真係好鐘意長笛a..thank you

回答 (2)

2008-01-22 12:37 am
✔ 最佳答案
I have been learning flute for couple of years. I started off with the same situation as you have now. (Taking private lesson with not much practical practice, and mostly play with band music)

But I eventually find it while I go with the solo pieces, I have technical difficulties and even my other teacher said that I have adopted the style of playing in the orchestra which my cut off is too harish and not gentle.

Anyway, I would suggest you to ASK YOUR TEACHER TO EXPLAIN some music theory to you while you are learning a new piece. For example,

Basic intervals (Major and Minor intervals, Augmented, Diminished )
Musical terms like Dynamics (p,mp,mf,F,FF)
Tempo (Largo, Allegro, Andante, Pesto...)
Expressive making (Ritardando, Crescendo, Decrescendo...)

That not only helps your understanding of the music, but also helps you to express the piece

How to improve your flute skills
-Listen to music recording and buy your favourite music scores
(To develop a collection for your flute library)
-Practise articulation like Legato, Staccato, Tonguing, Slurs...etc)

For beginners, its good to start off with
Good Luck...Welcome to the music world!~
參考: My teachers, my personal experience
2008-01-20 9:03 am

2008-01-20 01:05:08 補充:
參考: me

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