
2008-01-20 6:21 am
do you have any interested in this?這格式有沒問題呢?

回答 (4)

2008-01-20 9:31 am
✔ 最佳答案
do you have any interested in this is fault
the true one is
are you interested in this?
Why do we use interested ,but not interesting
It is because the meaning of interesting is 有趣的
but the meaning of interested is 有興趣的
they are not the same meaning
and although both of them is adjective
,there are two type of adjective
one is describe feeling and one is describe things
interested is describe feeling.
so we use interested
the other example is exciting and excited
exciting describe things
excited describe feeling
This is exciting
We are excited.
2008-01-20 7:12 am
我比個例子 Are you interested/interesting?

如果我問你係唔係 Interested, 即係問緊你對於一樣野有冇興趣
如果我問你係唔係 Interesting, 即係問緊你覺得人地覺得你有唔有趣

-ing 形容詞係比到 feeling 人地既, 例如 This movie is boring (套戲比人既印象係好悶
-ed 形容易係自己有咩 feeling, 例如 I am bored by this movie (我覺得套戲好悶)

do you have any interested in this?
改成 are you interested in this 或 do you have any interest in this?
你要有 (have) 一樣野, 呢樣野一定要係名詞, 所以要轉名詞或改結構
2008-01-20 6:32 am
因為Interesting 解作'有趣' 係形容詞. e.g The new game is interesting.
do you have any interested in this? 有問題.
you should say. " Do you have any interests in this? " Interests 係名詞.

or "Are you interested in this?"
參考: me
2008-01-20 6:30 am
Do you have any interested in this?
Are you interested in it?

e.g. I am interested in English.

e.g. English is interesting.

2008-01-19 22:32:42 補充:
參考: ME

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