
2008-01-20 3:37 am
本人37歲已婚女性, 具工商管理碩士學位, 工作了12年, 但沒有金融工作經驗. 有機會加入銀行做理財顧問嗎? 薪金大概多少? 要有什麼步驟才可以入行嗎? 先到那裡考些什麼試嗎? 大概要花多少錢, 多長時間? 考完試才找銀行見工, 還是銀行提供在職培訓呢?

回答 (3)

2008-01-22 8:09 am
✔ 最佳答案
香港做理財顧問途徑。(1) Insurance company (2)Insurance broker or agency (3) IFA (4) Banks
首要考業內試:(1)IIQE (2)SFC paper 1,7 & 8
(1) 是最低要求。只能賣投資相連保險產品、保險產品、強積金產品。
www.hkfi.org , www.iihk.org.hk , www.mpfa.org.hk , www.fsdc.ctc.edu.hk
(2) SFC paper 1, 7 & 8 可拿investment adviser license, 可提供投資意見。
(3) SFC的PDFM, HKRFP/ CFP / CFA 為行內的較高資歷。

2008-01-22 00:16:53 補充:
IIQE 很容易,約是每卷HK$200考試費。幾乎每月都有。see vtc 網頁。paper1 to paper 5syllabus 很小notes又平。SFC 比較深,paper 1 & 2 HK$600, others 平D, 每月都有。paper 1 過千人考。MBA會有部分examptions。問Hong Kong Security Institute (SFC 100% owned) 24/F Wing On Centre, Sheung Wan. www.hksi.org

2008-01-22 00:17:47 補充:
exemptions (typing mistake)

2008-01-22 00:19:41 補充:

2008-01-22 00:22:24 補充:
銀行的話,人工應 HK$20,000。但commission & bonus 小。好在no cold call, all referred from bank customers. Get experience then go to IFA.

2008-01-26 23:16:40 補充:
未曾聽過保險公司的工作不用找客。Zurich也不例外。不會有底薪。全搏殺形。Sales Job慣例。

2008-01-27 22:41:31 補充:
保險公司是大部份有提供IIQE, 但絕小有SFC的課程。但很多大學都有SFC課程。 加入哪間保險彧IFA公司好呢?這視乎offer的條件。但很大程度上是你的本身條件和客路潛力。
參考: industry experience
2008-03-28 9:07 pm
I have similar background and want to join this Finance field.

Anyone can show me please where may I download the Paper 1 3 5 exam mock papers ?

Thank you.
2008-01-21 8:40 am
With your back ground, you can work in a insurance company instead of banki because the percentage of commisson is much higher in insurance company than banks because the over haed is lower(due to rent and advertisment). I have interview 3 insurance company, you can contact me at [email protected] for more detail.


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