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When Hang Seng Index falls below 25600, 6476 will be suspended.
You should note that 6476's price is linked with the FUTURES of Hang Seng Index. If at one time, the index is doing 25610 and the futures is doing 25400, then 6476's price will be by reference to 25400. That is why just before 6476 gets suspended, 6476's price may be lower than $0.01.
After 6476's suspended, you then wait till 4 p.m. for the market close. The index LOWEST point will be used to calculate the settlement price of 6476.
If on that day index lowest point at 25100 and closed at 26000. The settlement price will be by reference to 100 (ie. 25100-25000).
If on that day the lowest point is 24900 and closed at 26000, then you will lose everything, because the lowest point is below 25000.