
2008-01-19 6:50 pm
B.Write sentences using phrasal verbs.

1.run after:
2.look after:
3.look for:
4.break down:
5.shoot down:

回答 (5)

2008-01-19 8:36 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1.run after 追逐,追蹤, 追求(女性)
Tom is always running after pretty women.

2.look after 照料
Mary looked after my baby when I was sick.

3.look for 尋覓;希望得到
I'm looking for my dictionary.

4.break down 失敗;故障
My car broke down halfway to the destination.
Mary broke down and wept bitterly.

5. shoot down 擊落 / 【口】駁倒;堅決反對;否決
The enemy plane was shot down.
2008-01-19 10:31 pm
1) run after
The policeman is running after the pick-pocket(扒手).

2) look after
"Please help me to look after my son" Mary said.

3) look for
What are you looking for,John?

4) break down
Look!That bulding is breaking down by the bomb.

5) shoot down
The hunter shot down a pitiful(令人同情的) deer.
2008-01-19 9:01 pm
1) I'll go run after her maybe she hasn't left the building yet.

2) She'll look after your belongings while you go find your daughter.

3) Is it alright for you to help me look after my son?

4) Kary is going to break down the wall.

5) The police is going to shoot down the thief.
參考: me!!!! and 15 yrs of school in Canada
2008-01-19 8:28 pm
I will run after the dog while you call the veternarian.

Can you look after my son while I got shopping?

Can you help me look for my keys?

You have to first break down the barriers to get inside.

Let's shoot down the plane!
2008-01-19 7:27 pm
1.Mary is run after John. They are playing hide and seek.
2.I am going to the supermarket. Please look after your sister.
3.The police look for the windsurfer in Tolo Harber.
4.I am late for school, because the school bus have broken down.
(唔知有沒有串錯字,d文法都唔知對不對!第5題 I don't know!!!!!!sorry!!!!!!!!!)

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