點解旺角古時稱芒角?(Eng plz)

2008-01-19 4:27 pm
Hope that someone will answer me in both Eng and Chin. But I want Eng more!!!! Thanks.

回答 (4)

2008-01-20 1:00 am
✔ 最佳答案

Mong Kok or Mongkok (Chinese: 旺角; the English name is a transliteration of its older name 望角 or 芒角) is an area in the Yau Tsim Mong District on Kowloon Peninsula, Hong Kong, China. Before a 1994 merge, Mong Kok was part of the Mong Kok District.
The name in Chinese means "flourishing/busy corner". Recent road works revealed some potteries as old as Jin Dynasty (265-420), indicating that there might be settlements that early.
The district is characterized by a mixture of old and new multi-story buildings, with shops and restaurants at street level and commercial or residential units above. Major industries in Mong Kok are retail, restaurants (including fast food) and entertainment.
Mong Kok population density is extremely high. According to Guinness World Records, Mong Kok has the highest population density in the world (mean 130,000 per km2).

History of Mong Kok
The area of Mong Kok was quite different from the present-day context. The heart of the present-day Mong Kok was Ho Man Tin whilst the proper Mong Kok was north of it, near present-day Mong Kok East Station of MTR. With cultivated lands, it was bounded south by Argyle Street, west by Coronation Road (present-day Nathan Road), and east by the hills. To its south is Ho Man Tin and west Mong Kok Tsui. Stream from the hills east offered water for cultivation..
參考: wikipedia
2008-01-24 3:28 pm

而是我不明白為何Avril Lavigne您,會無緣無故在我的回答中給了負面。我與您不相熟,亦沒曾惡意在您的提問或回答中給予您負分,為何您有此動作呢?而且您不斷改別名,是否很無聊呢?


2008-01-19 4:56 pm

芒角村喺而家嘅洗衣街附近,以前多數都係種菜、種花、養豬同養雞。不過自從1860年,芒角跟住九龍半島割讓畀英國之後,芒角村嘅村民就開始將自己種嘅花、蔬菜同自己養嘅禽畜拎去港島賣。當時嘅人多數坐蜑民嘅船過海,但係啲蜑民成日將個「芒」讀咗做「望」,結果英國人跟咗蜑民嘅口音,將芒角講做Mong Kok。到咗1909年,港英政府開始喺嗰頭填海同起左個避風塘,而附近亦開始有碼頭同道路。1930年代,芒角就改咗個名做旺角,話係“興旺”咁解。嗰時嘅旺角仲係一個工業區,四周圍都係製煙廠、棉織廠同五金廠。不過旺角嘅英文譯名(Mong Kok)就無變,依家仲有啲水上人鐘意叫旺角做「望角」架。


2008-01-19 09:13:58 補充:
2008-01-19 4:52 pm
The actual one is 旺角 not 芒角, but in the ancient time, people know english not very well and listen to the foreigners said "Mongkok" and followed to say 芒角!!

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