
2008-01-19 10:54 am
公司有個南美客要求訂貨要有中國產地來源証明, 但我地只係香港貿易公司, 所以有以下問題 :

1. 如要求大陸供應商比我, 張 cert 咪會布有大陸供應商既名同資料 ?
2. 如大陸供應商無出口資格, 點申請得到 ?
3. 是否大陸有出口公司可以代人請得到 ?
4. 如可以的話, 客人訂五款型號貨品, 要申請五張 定 一張搞掂 ?
5. 相互型號貨品 cert 可否再用 定 每次都要另外申請 ?

十分感謝 !

回答 (2)

2008-01-19 6:21 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Our company also deal with S.America market. About " CO " application pls ref the following website.
1) you can apply "transitshipment CO", details pls refer the above website or contact them.
2)transitshipment CO should have export right, if not, you can apply "re-export CO".
then shipment should import to HK.
3)Unknown, sorry.
4)Same shipment can apply one CO, should be same as B/L details. In case B/L details is one item, then CO also one item.In case B/L are 5 item, then CO also 5 items
5)Can't re-use again. One shipment one CO. Just same as B/L details.
參考: my experience
2008-01-20 2:55 am
搵一間外貿 或 大陸運輸公司, 佢可以幫你攪掂晒, 只係大約HK$240蚊到, 一般一定有大陸供應商既名, 但如果搵外貿公司, 可以係任何同類產品既供應商名, 所以唔係你用緊既供應商名, 放心.

5個產品只需一張CO就足夠, 唔使5張CO, CO每一次都要申請, 係要跟每次出貨次數, 唔係一張就足夠.

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