Do you consider it inhumane to spay or neuter your pet animals?

2008-01-19 2:55 am
The procedures deprive your pet animals the joy of sex and the ability to have offsprings. You would not do this to your own children, would you?

回答 (16)

2008-01-19 3:05 am
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its really up to the owner wheather or not to spay or neuter their animals.on the whole its concidered healthy to do this to your cat or dog,in a male ,it prevents prostate troubleand youll have a healthy pet doing these (spaying or neutering.).in a female you prevent unwanted pregnancies.
2008-01-19 11:04 am
You are putting your own feelings on your pet. They don't have sex for the fun of it or the pleasure like people do. It is only for breeding purposes. There are so many pets that are starving to death on the streets or being put to death in shelters that this question really makes me sick. Pets are not able to support themselves and depend on humans to take care of them, visit an animal shelter sometime and ask to see the ones slotted to die that day, then you won't be asking dumb questions like this. Stop the killing and have your pets spayed and neutered.
2008-01-19 11:00 am
animals cannot enjoy sex because it is an instinct for them to keep their species alive. It is humans that experience joy and pleasure from the act. There is one other mammal that does as well, but I can't remember but I think is dolphins.

so to answer your it isn't inhumane it's being responsible especially with the overpopulation of unwanted pets.

Based on all your other questions, it looks like you typically like to ask questions that provoke emotional or interesting responses.
2008-01-19 11:28 am
8 million kittens euthanized every year in USA alone (and many more killed by owners who cannot find them homes or dont want them

3 million dogs and pups euthanized every year in USA alone (and more killed by owners who cannot find them homes or dont want them)

where is the cruelty in spaying or neutering?
spaying and neutering prevents births of excess animals.. PLUS on average spayed and neutered animals live 2 years longer
have no risk of some cancers, get in less fights.. are less agressive

I myself am "desexed" my tubes were tied.. I cannot reproduce..

over 6.5 BILLION people on the earth.. its only a matter of time before governments are forced to sterilize some people to control our own growth...
2008-01-19 11:12 am
there are very few creatures that engage in sex for the enjoyment of it...humans, dolphins, bonobos...and trust me, having offspring isn't exactly a cake walk, lol.

i find it far more inhumane to put an animal thru the paces just to calm a person's feelings of guilt and anthropomorphism.

euthanizing animals is no joke. it happens every minute of every hour of every day of every year. and it's all done simply because there aren't enough homes. adding to it is a crime against nature and the only way to ease the flow is to neuter them.

if i knew that my child's child would in all likelihood be put to sleep, then yes, i would spay her. sounds harsh, but it's better to do that than kill the offspring.
參考: shelter mgr
2008-01-19 11:05 am
It's inhumane to NOT spay or neuter them. How would you like to come into heat every 6-8 weeks and have a litter to take care of in-between times? No thanks. I don't believe in declawing animals, but I sure do spay and neuter mine.
2008-01-19 11:04 am
I used to work for a vet, and each time I had to hold a kitten or puppy so it could be euthanized (killed), I secretly wished that each person who was against spaying or neutering their pets could have to experience what it's like to try to hold a wiggly puppy still so the vet can give it an injection to kill it.

Humans are the only animals who mate (have sex) for pleasure. The animals do it solely to reproduce. If a dog/cat/horse, etc isn't in season, they don't have sex. Only humans do it solely for pleasure.
參考: Be a responsible pet owner and spay/neuter or pets.
2008-01-19 11:08 am
I do not understand your thinking. The only animals that have sex for pleasure are humans, dolphins and monkeys.

Putting human emotions on to animals is stupid. They do feel pain and joy...but they do not feel the "joys of sex" and the "want and longing to raise a family". That's things humans do...but not dogs or cats.

If humans were so over populated that they were being euthanized in shelters at the alarming rates that dogs and cats are...hell yeah i would get my kids spayed/neutered!

Breeding and buying dogs when there are THOUSANDS that die in shelters each year is freaking stupid.
2008-01-20 6:04 pm
Animals don't enjoy sex, they mate just for reproduction. It is worse to let them reproduce and have their kittens put down each time. Humans also have the choice to have an operation to no longer have children. Yes, it is their choice but animals can't make that decision for themselves. We look after them so we need to make the decision for them. I think it won't be long until they make it compulsary to have your pet desexed as many animal shelters and pounds find it hard to keep up with all the animals brought in to them. No, I wouldn't do it for my own children as they should be able to make up their own mind. if they have more kids they would be looking after them not me so it is not my decision to make.
2008-01-20 2:26 am
Surely this is not a serious question. Animals do not experience joy in sex, it is just instinct for them. If you've ever seen animals mate, you know it isn't joyous. If anything, it's painful. It's pure reproductive drive.
There is so much suffering in the world because of the animal overpopulation problems. That's what is inhumane.

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