
2008-01-19 7:43 am
第1 Part: "這部電影最令我留下深刻印象的是他在籃球場上和兒子講的一番話"

第2 Part: "這句話使我明白到理想是必需堅持、夢想是要追求才能獲得的,所以這部戲有很深的教育意義,要成功先要付出,要成功不要怕吃虧,不斷學習、不怕吃苦頭的,最後便會嘗到成功的滋味"

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回答 (5)

2008-01-19 8:01 am
✔ 最佳答案
The most impressing part in the film is his conversation with his son on the basketball court

This phrase make me understand that we must stick to our ambition, chase our dream in order to achieve it. Therefore, this film is very meaningful.
No pain no gain. In order to succeed, we should not be afraid of hardship. We have to equip ourselves.
Then finally we would be able to get a taste of success
2008-01-19 4:27 pm
First Part: The part in this film which impressed me the deepest was where he had a conversation with his son on the basketball court.'

Second Part: " This speech enabled me to understands that ambition has to be persisted, and only if you go for it then you will acheive your dream. Therefore this film contains a very deep educational meaning. Effort has to be made before you reached your success, the characteristics of never feared of disadvantages, learning endlessly, and not feared of hardship are essential for success, and you can obtain the taste of success at the end then."
2008-01-19 12:51 pm
Part 1: The most impressive part in this movie is the conversation between the father and the son while in the basket ball court.

Part 2: What I understand from the saying in the movie is that achievement requires insistence, and making your dream come true requires pursuance. The movie is deeply
meaningful that educates us the elements of success. They are: to be tolerant with the
un-beneficial situation, to insist hard effort on learning, to encounter with the hardship, that eventually, success will be on our way.

2008-01-19 04:58:43 補充:

2008-01-19 05:02:45 補充:
Please read: ......that educates us with the elements of success INSTEAD OF.......that educates us the elements of success.
2008-01-19 8:06 am
Part 1: The most impressive part of this movie is the dialogue he spoke to his son in the basketball court.

Part 2: His words made me understand that ideality require persistence, one can succeed only when you pursue your dream. Thus, this movie has very great educational meaning, that is one must pay before you succeed, one must not afraid of suffering loss if you want to succeed. Continuing learning, not afraid of having a tough time, you will eventually have a taste of success.
2008-01-19 8:03 am
Part 1
What this movie that impressed me most was the conversation between 'him' and his son in the basketball field.

Part 2
I learnt that if I have need to have my dream to come true, I must go after it and insist. This movie taught me a lot of things. You need to pay if you want a success. You must suffer loses in order to succeed. After suffering from hardship, learning from your mistakes and other people, you will find that having done something successfully is a wonderful feeling.

P.S. grammar可能有錯,不要全抄,THX
參考: Me

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