✔ 最佳答案
As a fresh graduate, 我覺得最好入大行先(即choice 2)
雖然唔會接觸全部範疇ge 工作,但係fresh grad. 最緊要係開多d 眼界睇多D,唔接觸唔代表會唔識wor...起碼你會知有D咩範疇先la~ 雖然未必到你落手落腳做,但係你會get an overall picture of what the industry is doing and what is necessary for the success of the business in that industry....尤其你話想喺同一行長遠發展,更加要見識多D 嗰行ge 「大行」係點做ge~
做細公司係就係會接觸全部範疇(因為「一腳踢做晒」,但係營營役役咁做,未必俾你有時間Train up your industry knowledge... Skills 會有lor,因為日日都係做緊,但係成個industry 點又未必俾你有機會睇到lor...
再加上,第一份工都唔會打一世ga la....「魚唔過塘唔肥」ma...咁由大公司跳走都易過由細公司吖!想做細公司學多D 野遲D 跳槽嗰時再諗都仲有機會,但係如果想由細公司跳去大公司就未必咁易...
2008-01-18 17:56:52 補充:
For whichever choice you make, be careful when rejecting the offer~ coz you want to develope your career in this industry, so try not to upset any party and leave yourself future career opportunity in the company that you are going to reject (this time).