
2008-01-19 12:38 am
最緊要係同Chinese New Year plan有關!!!

有關的字如下(最好有) ::
1) buy new clothes
2) help to clean my homes
3) decorate home with red paper
4) before New Year starts
5) visit my relatives
6) get lucky money
7) eat special food (要有例子>不過要容易讀!)
8) go to see/watch lion dances (我唔知係用see定watch)

10) travel overseas with my family members 11) visit my friends and relatives but I will not meet for a long time

回答 (3)

2008-01-19 1:09 am
✔ 最佳答案
Hi, Mary!

Hi, Chris!

Chinese New Year is coming. What are you going to do?

Well... I am planning to go shopping with my parents. As you know, I really want to buy a new coat and a pair of new shoes.

That sounds nice.

How about you? Will you do some shopping in Chinese New Year.

I am not sure. In fact, my mum asked me to buy some red papers to decorate the home. We need to clean the home, too. It's fussy I think. But my mum said we better do it before the start to new year as it's kind of tradition.

I see. Probably you will be very busy.

That's true. During the new year, I will go to visit my relatives with parents as well. My dad said that it was another tradition to recieve lucky money from adults.

I know. We will also eat special food such as Nian gao (年糕), right? It's really delicious!

Yea. I am going to watch lion dances too. I really enjoyed that show. It should be great.

I agree with you. Hey, I must go now. Hope you have a happy Chinese New Year!

You too. Happy Chinese New Year!
2008-01-19 1:26 am
1:HI,the Chinese New Year is coming.What will you do?
2:Hm...I will *buy new clothes .Chinese like to buy new things before new year.
1.I will do it ,too.I am not so happy that Mum needs me to clean the house for her.May you *help to clean my house?
2.Ha,of course not .I need to decorate me home with red paper before New Year starts.I am busy.I have no time during New Year because I need to *visit my relatives.
2008-01-19 1:16 am
Characters: A+B

A: It's the Chinese New Year very soon. Have you ever plan for it?
B: Oh, yes. Chinese New Year is my favourite festival. I decide to buy some new clothes to wear on the Chinese New Year days. And I will help to clean my home before hand.
A: Yea, I love this festival either. wanna use red paper to decorate my home as well.
B: I see. I go and visit my relatives every Chinese New Year. It's a great time to gather together and have fun.
A: Me too. I always get red packets (LUCKY MONEY) from my dear relatives. And we have reunion dinner (團年飯) on the Chinese New Year's Eve. We eat special food such as turnip cake, rice cake, candies, etc.
B: Yes, I'd love to have them. I like to go to WATCH (we use WATCH instead of SEE) lion dances also. And that's the reasons that it becomes my favourite festival.

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