
2008-01-18 12:52 pm
就要開始presnetaion and write the paper

回答 (4)

2008-01-18 1:07 pm
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Begins school the younger brother two weeks must start presnetaion and write the paper my manuscript very tense every day 8:30 class, overflowed such life to for a long time in before rests, otherwise I cannot crawl certainly a semester which this semester will be I most bustles about
2008-01-18 11:15 pm
it was just the second week after the school started. I already have to prepare for the presentation and writing essay, it made me really stress. I have a class at 8:30 every morning; my life havent been like this for awhile. Now, I have to sleep before 1 otherwise I wont be able to wake up the next morning. This school term is going to be very busy for me.
2008-01-18 1:48 pm
In the second weeks of school, I have aready started my presentation and need to write essay. This makes me feel neverous and not in mood. I have to go to lessons at half past eight for everydays, I have not experience this type of life for a long time. If I do not sleep before one o'clock, I definetly can not get up. This term will be the busiest term I have ever been
參考: Me -.-V
2008-01-18 1:19 pm
In the second week of school, I already need to do presentation and write essays. It makes me feel very nervous. I starts lessons at 8:30 am everyday. I haven't been having this type of lifestyle for a while. I need to go to bed before 1am or else i cannot wake up in the morning. This term is going to be my busiest term.

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