為什麼新世界百貨(852) 的PE 只得1.9?

2008-01-18 9:45 am
為什麼新世界百貨(852) 的PE 只得1.9?
相比其他國內百貨, 低得十分恐怖

回答 (3)

2008-01-18 10:04 am
✔ 最佳答案
新世界百貨 是 (825) not (852). 截至2007年06月30日12個月,集團錄得全年純利為303百萬港元. 已發行股數 1686.0 M , so the EPS = 0.18 and hence

PE should be 9.5/0.18 = 52. something wrong with PE 只得1.9
參考: me
2008-01-18 4:09 pm
The P/E is irrelevant because the P/E is calculated using the information as of June 30 2007. The number of shares increased by 28 folds when it went public in July last year. The P/E now should be around 20.

2008-01-18 08:11:36 補充:
and lastly, this is a good stock as I recommended here:http://hk.knowledge.yahoo.com/question/?qid=7008011004707
2008-01-18 9:56 am
沒有計算不同, 只係如實反映出來, 佢因為冇人炒, 所以PE咁低都屬於正常, 証明一樣嘢, 就係佢抵買囉.

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