How do i lose 30 lbs with only exercising 2 times a week?

2008-01-17 8:46 pm
I am 22, 5 foot 5, and i weight 150lbs (originally 155lbs) and i have most of my fat in my stomach,thighs, and alittle in my arms. I have been struggling with this for a while. Right now i am trying to only consume 1000 calories per day and on saturdays and sundays i walk/run on the treadmill for about 20-30mins. I have been eating healthier, like no fast food, and more fruits and vegtables and i constantly drink water. My problem is i have been doing this for almost 2 1/2 weeks and i have barelly droped 5 lbs, what am i doing wrong??? why wont the weight come off????

回答 (5)

2008-01-17 9:26 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I don't think you are doing wrong. 5 lbs in 2 1/2weeks is pretty good, in my opinion. In order to lose fat, you need to do resistance training which builds muscles. Muscle cells burn more calories than fat cells do. So the more muscle you have, the more calories that you can burn, even when you are sitting still. Restricting your caloric intake is not necessarily a good way to lose weight, because your body senses that your are starving, so it automatically slows down your body's metabolism making it so much harder to lose weight. Eat sensibly. Eat as much lean meats and veggies that you care to eat until you are full. Go easy on the carbs and fats.
2008-01-17 9:06 pm
Please research weight loss more. There is a certain amount of calories your body needs to function properly, and if you don't get that number, your metabolism will actually slow way down, and store every calorie you eat as fat. This is starvation mode, is not healthy, and will not promote weight loss. The typical amount to loose (and keep off) is 2 lbs. per week. Any more than that and something you're doing isn't healthy.

Check out! It's a great website with lots of resources that I think would help answer your questions.
2008-01-17 8:57 pm
obviously, ur not eating healthy enough. down ur portion sizes and no junk food, soda, or white bread. and drink lots of water. also, ur not excercising enough those two times a week u have time to. work on the weights and get on that tredmill for another 30 min.
hope ive helped=)
2008-01-17 8:55 pm
5 lbs in 2.5 weeks is actually excellent and healthy. They say that people who lose weight slowly are more likely to keep it off. People that lose a bunch of weight real quick are much more likely to put it right back on again in a couple of months, because, chances are, they didn't make lifestyle changes. And lifestyle changes, like the one's you're making, is the way to lose weight and keep it off. Keep doing what you're doing and try to be patient.
2008-01-17 8:51 pm
you need to exercise more.

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